
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hawaii or Bust!

Just sent off these three boards to Hawaii for Pasha.
These are EPS/Resin-X.
Two Speed Droids and a California Spud.
Convertable fin set-ups.

The Speed Droid has a fluted wing that allows the board to get traction in critical turns.

Pasha said he would post a full review on Surfer Mag forum and on this blog.
hint. hint. Pasha:)


  1. Pasha has a realy nice set of boards on the way! I hope he sends pics of them in some great moves.

  2. So stoked I can't even tell you! So far I only had a chance to ride the 6'2" Speed Droid (I'm 6'6" 225lbs) and it has been so fun! Anywhere from 2' slop to some overhead North Shore spots the board has been really insane. I ride it as a quad with the Futures Controller set up. The Resin-X is so light, I love it.
    Mahalo Russ, I'll keep the feedback coming as I try the other beauties.

  3. Pasha, I'm 6'5" and 240, not fat but definitely thicker than you. What are the rest of the dims on the Droid? I want one scaled up a bit for my size and overall lack of talent.
