
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Artwork by Merrick

After seeing her sister help paint a board, Merrick couldn't wait to do one herself.

It's so easy, even a child can do it....until a point:)

A few squiggles here...a few wiggly lines there and...


When she knew I would be taking photos for the blog, she insisted on doing her nails!

After this process, Russ took a squeegee...

*an onomatopoetically-named tool with a flat, smooth rubber blade, used to remove or control the flow of liquid on a flat surface. It is used for cleaning and in printing.*

...and in surfboard art. I need to send a memo to Wikipedia:)

... and spread the paint across the surface of the board!

This blends all the colors together for an abstract design that a 4-year old can be proud of!

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