
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Angry Birds: If it causes you to sin....

Steve Jordan, a wonderful friend, generously gave me an IPhone about 4 weeks ago. Funny that getting a phone can be so exciting but it just was....and so I entered the AT&T land of smart phones.

.....and....all the applications that come with it.

Some great. Handy. Applicable to life and interests etc. Take, for example, the paypal app. The Spanish app. (looks good but never been used:) The hipstamatic. Love it.

Some not so. Angry Birds . All you Smart phoners know what I'm talking about. A game, that made me laugh out loud every time I played it. This is good I thought. Laughing is good. Catapulting revengful birds through the air in order to annihilate a group of thieving pigs seems like a good way to unwind and besides, we gave up cable TV to spend more time as a family.

Fast forward two weeks.
Cable TV would have been better.
I'm playing it at red lights! Our youngest and I are racing to play instead of watching Justice play soccer. While Russ is correcting our 6 year old for begging for the phone while he plays, I whisper : "hand me the phone while you discipline our daughter over a game you can't put down, so that I can play...."


If Angry Birds causes you to sin. Cut if off.


Russ and I waved good-bye, deleted our feathery friends and snorting enemies and went back to a peaceful evening.

Angry Birds....there are times I miss you. But I was turning into a time-thieving chunk of ham, so you had to go!

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