
Friday, October 8, 2010

Resin - X : goes well with green

Russ and I offered to help fix sun and water damage on some outdoor tables at a little establishment we like called Bernadettes On Main.
Actually, it's Bernadette we love.
She's british and she makes me feel like I'm with my African/English family. Same humor, same down-to-earthness and same love for beer.
We thought it would be fun to laminate a fun logo or picture on each table and the first one is going to be a chess/checkers board.
Russ is using an amazing product called Resin-X to laminate surfboards and we are going to use it on the tables too.
Firstly, it's considered to be a 'green' product - 80%.
Secondly, it withstands weather - being that it's a urethane/epoxy blend
(Russ's words, not mine - He's the one who knows what he's talking about - I just nod and say : "Sounds interesting, honey").
Thirdly, it has UV protection. Like a good sunblock. And won't yellow - like a good sunblock too.
Here I am, applying the tape and creating the checker design and then Russ spray-painted the black checkers on - with Merrick advising him on how to do it.
Good girl Merrick, you make your mama proud!
Next, she'll be shaping boards.